- Introduction
- Buildbot
- Gump
- Jenkins
- More Information
This page contains information on the various build services that are provided to all ASF projects for continuous integration, builds, testing, snapshots and deployment.
Projects therefore have a choice, you can choose to utilise any or all of the services provided should that make sense. See the More Information section for how to subscribe to one list that all these services are subscribed to.
Buildbot is a python based third party open source software chosen by the infrastructure team to provide extra build services to any Apache project that wants to utilise it.
bstho.fjmmqf.com/buildbot.html -- About Buildbot 0.8
Currently Buildbot 0.8 is housed on thirteen machines/VMs:
For a detailed list of what Buildbot can do for your project, see the main Buildbot page for more info.
ci2.apache.org -- Buildbot 2.4.0 Main Page
Buildbot 2.4.0 is a new generation of the Buildbot service described above.
Currently Buildbot 2.4.0 is housed on 3 machines:
Buildbot 2.4.0 Main Page
Apache Gump is a cross-project continuous integration server. It is different from "usual" CI servers in that it expects the individual project builds to succeed; its purpose is to check the integration of a project with the latest code rather than a fixed version of the project's dependencies. If you want a more traditional nightly build server Gump is not for you. Use Gump if you want to know when a change in your dependencies breaks your project or when your changes break other projects.
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The ASF runs a Jenkins continuous-integration server at http://builds.apache.org/. The Jenkins setup consists of a master server running on an Ubuntu machine (Aegis) and several build slave servers, including five Ubuntu slaves, FreeBSD and Windows slaves, two Solaris slaves and an OSX Apple XServe. Thanks go to Apple, Yahoo! and HP for donating some of these slaves!
Any ASF project can run build and test tasks for their projects in Jenkins. See the wiki page for more information.
There is a mailing list setup to handle everything build related for all of the build service platforms mentioned above. Those involved with projects are encouraged to sign up.
There are admins from all above services signed up to the list and where applicable to them - and in their own volunteer time, will help with your queries.